“I requested for our printer to be serviced and today Edward Dube from your company arrived to do just that. It is long last since a service with such professionalism and dedication has been provided to us by any other company. Not only did Edward service and test the printer, he asked me if there was any other problems that I was having that he could assist with. I mentioned that I could not scan to my laptop and was using a USB which i found to be very painful. He then proceeded to do his magic on my laptop and within 1 minute I could scan to my desktop – I was just blown away with gratitude!
I thanked him and his answer was ” If you are happy then i am happy” and gave me a beautiful smile.
Once he had completed the task I asked him for his Managing Director’s email address so that i could advise you know how pleased i was with his service. He told me it was not necessary as he was merely doing his job but i insisted as i do believe that recognition is so important yet forgotten by many Companies.”
– Des Smit
Office Manager